Friday, April 25, 2008
Zoo Tycoon
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PC Game
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Jersey Boys CD
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
How I Met Your Mother
Friday, April 18, 2008
Cooking Quest
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Game of Life - Path to Success
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Miss Teri Tale
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Big Brother 9 Again
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dream Chronicles 2
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Growing Up...
A Tribute to Wally Bronner
I don't mourn for Wally because I know that he is "Now with his Christ of Christmas", but I do mourn for his family and their great loss. He was unique, caring, kind-hearted, giving, loving, funny, passionate and well, that list could go on forever. As for me, I would rather miss Wally than to never have met him, he touched my life and the lives of everyone he met. I feel sorry for those of you who never had the chance to meet Wally, who never had him touch your life, but he will always live on in the Christmas Wonderland that bears his name, Bronner's.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hell's Kitchen 4
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Plant Tycoon
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ethel's Chocolates
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hampton Majestic Chicago
But luckily breakfast isn't the only good thing about the hotel. They also have a new program where you can get limited view seating from the LeSalle Bank Theatre for only $25, so we were able to see Jersey Boys while we were there and didn't have to stand in line for 3 hours before the box office opened in the morning. The only problem is they don't advertise this program so if you go, you have to ask for info on the limited view seating. The tickets are completely worth it.
Other than that, I had a problem sleeping in the bed, but most people sleep well in the beds. Also, the location is right inside the loop, within walking distance to tons of different CTA locations. Within 1 block there are Blue and Red Line stops, and the buses stop on ever other corner. This hotel is totally worth the money and we will definitely be staying there again.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Celebrity Apprentice
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Price is Right Game
Crowne Plaza O'Hare
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Amtrak Again
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Museum of Science and Industry
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Jersey Boys
The rest of the cast was great too. The harmonies of the guys who played the Original Four Seasons reminded me of the real Four Seasons, and since I love 4 part harmony it really touched me. The fact that the musical is pretty close to a biographical piece made it all the more amazing. I knew a lot about Frankie Valli, but the things in musical were mostly things I didn't know.
Our seats were in the Dress Circle in the limited viewing section, but I could see almost everything and worth the money. We were lucky enough to get the tickets through our hotel so we paid only $25 per ticket and were able to order them with just 24 hours to spare. If you are anywhere Jersey Boys is playing, I suggest you take the time and money to see it, you won't be disappointed.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Adler Planetarium & Shedd Aquarium
Field Museum Chicago
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wildfire Restaurant
Monday, March 17, 2008
Museum at the Art Institute of Chicago
Saturday, March 15, 2008
St. Patrick's Day in Chicago
Friday, March 14, 2008
Arun's Thai Restaurant
As for the food, I've never experience that quality of food in my life and I've been to a couple other fine dining restaurants. The highlights of the evening were the Spicy Crab Cake that was served over a watercress salad, the Rice Dumpling filled with Chicken, Shrimp and Jicama, the Filets of lightly Fried Striped Bass with Three-Flavor chili sauce and the Crepe with Sankhaya Pandanus Cream Custard and red beans with poached strawberry and strawberry coulis. Our first experience was the Crab Cake and that one dish was worth the entire price. The crab cake was tender and juicy, and the watercress was a perfect compliment with a tangy yet sweet flavor. The Striped Bass was also served with some lightly breaded then fried vegetables, but what really made the dish was the Three-Flavor chili sauce, it was the perfect combination of sweet, sour and spicy. This dish was also served with an intricately carved carrot in the form of a fish. It really was amazing. By far, my favorite of the night was the crepe though. The strawberry and strawberry coulis were the perfect compliment to the crepe and the Custard Creme. I had tried crepes before and never really liked them, now I understand, I've seen the light. Those crepes made me feel like I was in heaven they were so amazing. I give the Chef and food at Arun's a 10 out of 10 as well.
As for the atmosphere of the restaurant, some of the decorations seemed a bit cheesy to me and you could see screws hanging out of the walls in some places. The chairs weren't really that comfortable, which if you're going to be sitting in them for two hours, they really should be. The restaurant's location isn't in a real great part of town and taking the CTA buses will only get you about 4 blocks away from the restaurant, so it's probably the best idea to take a taxi. Because of the neighborhood and the bus ride to get there, I was quite stressed when we sat down for dinner, but after the first couple of courses, I was very relaxed and feeling much better. I give the atmosphere at Arun's a 5 out of 10, but the Front End Staff and the Food more than make up for this.
The one thing I didn't experience was any of their wine. I'm not really a wine drinker (mostly because I get drunk off it really quickly), but their wine list is very extensive. I think there were somewhere between 20 and 30 pages of wines. One thing I did notice is that most of their wines are only available by the bottle, the list gets much smaller when ordering a half bottle and smaller still when ordering just a glass.
Overall, Arun's is an amazing experience and next time I'm in Chicago, I'll be dining there again. Also, sorry about the lack of pictures, but I was so excited to eat the food I forgot to take its picture.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Chocolate Castle
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Doggie Dash
Monday, March 10, 2008
Purrfect Pet Shop
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Veronica Mars
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Scrabble Journey
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
America's Next Top Model Season 10
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tradewinds Legends
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Rocket Bowl
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Ukai Japanese Steakhouse
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yahtzee Texas Hold 'Em
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Flavor of Love 3
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Monday, February 18, 2008
Fab Fashion
Friday, February 15, 2008
I was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink when I walked into the bar that night. I didn’t care though; I was desperate to know what happened in the last hours of my true love’s life. As I walked through the doors, the baby growing in my stomach kicked hard, “I know, I know, no drinking, but I have to know what happened to your daddy. I have to know if it really was my fault, my fault you’ll grow up without a daddy.”
The bartender recognized me from the pictures Quinn showed him, “You’re Mae right?”
“Yeah, could I get a juice and some answers, please?”
As he poured the juice for me he said, “I’m Jake, what can I do for you?”
“I need to know what happened the night Quinn died, for me and the baby,” I answered, tears welling in my eyes. Quinn was the love of my life. We had been dating for three years. And just six months ago, he asked me to marry him. I don’t know how I’m going to live without him, how I’m going to raise this baby without him.
“I’m not sure I feel comfortable talking about this with you. He was really distraught and the things he said, they were well, not at all nice and I don’t want you to think that his death was your fault; I don’t want you to lose the baby from the distress this might cause. Are you really sure you want to know?”
He looked at me like I wasn’t strong enough, like he knew Quinn’s death was completely my fault. I already knew that though, there was no other reason Quinn would have been at that place, at that time, he was running from me, from my betrayal, it’s all my fault he’s dead. “I can handle it, I already know it’s my fault, I know, I know he was running from me, just tell me what he said, what he did and I’ll be on my way.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said pulling up a chair next to me. “That night Quinn came here because, because he had just found you asleep in another guy’s arms. Because he thought that you were cheating on him. Because that night was the night he found out you were pregnant, and he thought the baby was this other guy’s. He couldn’t think of any other reason you could be five months pregnant and not tell him. If the baby was his, he said you would never have kept it from him. That night he drank and drank. I tried to talk him into letting me drive him home, but he knocked me out and took off before I could stop him.”
I couldn’t stop the tears as they flowed down my face. The baby was moving and kicking, I think he was punishing me, punishing me for being responsible for his daddy’s death. I think Jake could tell that he was right, that I wasn’t strong enough to hear all of that; he put his arm around me and said, “It’s not your fault, it really isn’t. He was determined to be stupid that night. I tried to talk to him, to reason with him. I told him to talk to you, that there had to be extenuating circumstances, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. You know how hard headed, pig headed Quinn could be.”
“I know, but that doesn’t make it any less my fault. That guy, Gabe, I was tutoring him. We got really close, I care about him, love him even, but not like I love Quinn. For Quinn to think that I would ever do that, that this baby is someone else’s, that’s what hurts more than anything. That he didn’t trust me, after everything we’ve been through, that he could think that of me,” I said as the tears started to flow again.
That really was the hardest thing for me, to know that Quinn thought that of me. I loved him more than anything in the world, and he thought I could cheat on him. That I could cheat with someone I had known for less than a year. Someone who was the complete opposite of him. Life really couldn’t have gotten much worse, to have lost Quinn because of my stupidity. I say life couldn’t have gotten much worse, but the problem was, it had gotten worse. The person driving the car that was in the accident with Quinn’s motorcycle, that person died too, so not only did my stupidity cause the death of the love of my life, but the person in the other car. A person who I knew all too well. A person who loved me, who knew me possibly better than I knew myself. A person who wouldn’t have been in that car if it weren’t for me. A person who went looking for Quinn, who went looking for Quinn as a favor for me. A person whose death now makes me understand how my baby is going to feel for the rest of his life. That person was my dad. How am I supposed to go on living after that?
All writing is property of author and cannot be used unless written permission is given.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Big Brother 9
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
There she was, Amy Gerstein, over by the pool, kissing my father. Mom and Dad divorced three years ago, but I never stopped hoping that they would some day get back together, even after my mom married Tom, a desperately boring plumber from the wrong side of the tracks, if you ask me. I can’t believe she left Dad for him. Dad started dating Amy about six months ago, and things have been great ever since. She has made my dad the happiest he has ever been and in turn made me very happy too. Not many girls can say this, but Dad is one of my best friends. When I was in elementary school, he coached my little league softball and soccer teams. We spent all of our free time together. Fishing, watching the stars, reading to each other; he was my first crush. I know it sounds gross, but a lot of my friends were that way, and don’t they always say that girls grow up to marry someone just like their dad. I know I did.
We attended the same high school, but didn’t really get to know each other until Mom’s wedding, he was my cousin’s date. We were drinking champagne. I was drinking a lot to get over my mom marrying Tom and he just came over and started talking. We reminisced about high school, how being in the band made him less than desirable for a cheerleader like me, how he had always had a crush on me, but never had the nerve to talk to me, how of all the people in the band, this one, this guy had always sort of fascinated me, because he reminded me so much of my dad, shy and self-conscious, cute in his own way and really smart. That night was the beginning of a new life for me.
The only problem was, I was terrified to marry Greg because I didn’t know what had broken up my parent’s marriage and I really didn’t want that to happen to me. I had to ask them. I had to confront my parents to know it wasn’t me who caused the problems. With all the time my dad spent with me, did my mom feel abandoned, left out? Did she hate me for stealing my dad away from her? Nope. What a relief it was to know that, but it was the stupidest thing, the last time they saw a movie together, Dad didn’t buy her Rolos. They didn’t have any, but somehow that was it, she didn’t care. She thought he should have gone to the gas station to get her some if he had to, but their whole divorce over Rolos, crazy. In my mind, I knew that wasn’t really the reason, that there was more behind the Rolos, that it really was her feeling left out, like he loved me more than he loved her, but I accepted the Rolos because marrying Greg was a dream come true for me, and I wasn’t about to let my parent’s divorce ruin my happiness.
We married in this intimate little ceremony in Dad’s backyard. We had some of our high school friends there, a few of my cheerleader friends, a few of his band friends and our families. That’s when Dad and Amy met. She was the band director at our high school. They didn’t start dating for about a year after the wedding, but they had cultivated a real friendship during that time. Dad even asked Greg and me if it was okay for him to date her, of course we were both ecstatic. Amy was like a second mother to Greg, so them dating was perfect. That day by the pool was the day Dad asked Amy to marry him. Of course, she said, “Yes.”
And that brings us to now, me standing here in a beautiful green dress, Greg in a tux across from me, and Dad, watching with tear-filled eyes as his bride walks toward him, radiant in her wedding dress, smiling, happy. Isn’t it amazing how much life can change for the better even through something as horrible as Mom marrying Tom?
All writing is property of author and cannot be used unless written permission is given.Survivor: Micronesia
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Big City Adventures - Sydney
On another subject, isn't my dog so cute?
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Writer's Toolbox
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Family Restaurant
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Learning Python
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Election Coverage
Dream Chronicles
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
America's Best Dance Crew
Thursday, January 24, 2008
JoJo's Fashion Show
Friday, January 11, 2008
Ugly Betty - 1/10
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Desperate Housewives 1/06
Meanwhile, Bree and Orson move in with Susan while their house is being fixed. At first Susan doesn't want them there, but when Bree starts taking care of her, she realizes she needs Bree. After sabotaging Bree's home renovation efforts, Susan explains to Bree that she is lonely without Mike and needs her to stay living there. Also, thankfully Gaby has finally changed for the better. After finding out she and Carlos have no money, she stays with him. Adam leaves Katherine and Dylan finds out the truth, the truth we still don't know. Hopefully the Writers will quit striking sometime soon, I might just go crazy if they don't. I'm glad there was an end to the Lynette storyline and glad that the writers left such good writing for the end, but I'd really like to see them back. Overall, it was a great episode and it will be watched again and again.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Chocolatier 2
Monday, January 7, 2008
American Gladiators

It's kind of funny, but Justice reminds me of Whip-Snap on Who Wants to Be a Superhero.
I like that the contenders earn points as they go through the events instead of just at the end. I think it gives them more hope as the Eliminator gets closer. They kept a few of my favorite events like Joust, the Wall and Assault while still adding some new interesting ones. The new event Hit and Run reminds me too much of MXC and the underwater swim part of the Eliminator is very Fear Factor and Dog Eat Dog. I like that the winners will be the new Gladiators next season. I also like the new Eliminator. It is much harder and longer than the old Eliminator. I don't think the past contenders would have made it through.
For the things I'm not crazy about, I don' t like the commentator. I used to like it when the hosts were the commentators. I'm not sure Laila is really that great of a fit in this role. Hulk fits sort of, but I think sportscasters would do better, like in the original. I don't like that the show is now produced much more like a WWE event and much less like a sporting event, this new look is very theatrical. The only things I don't like about the Eliminator are the Barrel Roll and that when the contenders fall there is no penalty. I'm also not so sure about the men and women competing in different events throughout the episode.
One thing I know I'd love to see is some cameos from the old Gladiators. Maybe a where are they now segment for those of us who loved the show before. I'll keep watching, but mostly because I was such a huge fan when I was younger and I'm hoping it will get better with time.
ANTM Season 9 Episode 3
Next the girls met up with Roy Campbell at their challenge, a fashion show for Colleen Quen. Nothing against Colleen Quen, these are just my opinions of her dresses and the walks of the models in them. The challenge was to show their walk, move with restrictions, and bring out the spirit of the clothes. Saleisha and Chantal were wonderful as were the dresses they modeled. Ambreal, Ebony and Janet did okay in nice dresses while Victoria, Heather, and Lisa did okay modelling not great dresses. Sarah did bad while modelling a nice dress while Bianca, Jenah and Kimberly did bad in bad dresses.
The photo shoot was with Matthew Jordan Smith and had the girls climbing a rock wall. Lisa didn't let her fear of heights get to her and Bianca was all bark and no bite when it came to the photos. Jenah being a rock climber helped her in this shoot. My favorites were Heather, Saleisha, Jenah, Janet and Lisa. Though this wasn't one of my favorite ANTM episodes, I'd watch it again and again.
If you haven't seen this episode yet and don't want to know how it ends, please stop reading and come back after you've watched it. The following is a recap of the Judges opinions and who got eliminated.
Colleen Quen's critiques of the models
Heather's neck was too far forward, she had bad posture, but still managed to be elegant
Saleisha needed to keep her posture a little higher because of her height, but had good movement
Jenah's dress was a major challenge, but she was running into the dress
Bianca had a strong walk, but needed to have a more soft, sensual face
Kimberly looked as though she had an empty soul
Tyra, Nigel, Twiggy and Miss J were joined by guest judge Roy Campbell.
- Roy: She should be proud of what she delivered
- Nigel: Wow
- Twiggy: It was wonderful
- Twiggy: It looked like a fashion photo
- Tyra: She was self conscious, and not consistent
- Miss J: Her legs were great
- Twiggy: She should be pleased
- Miss J: Looked scrunched, it was not good
- Twiggy: Looked like she hit the wall
- Tyra: Worked her eyes and ears but the film was disappointing
- Nigel: It was rock climbing, not rock falling, she needed to own her legs
- Tyra: Looked like a more high fashion Renee from Season 8
- Nigel: Fun and interesting perspective
- Tyra: The camera loved her face
- Twiggy: She liked the photo
- Nigel: Wow
- Tyra: Good posing, but she was too self conscious
- Nigel: Good shot, she took risks
- Tyra: Too commercial
- Nigel: Interesting, looked uncomfortable, bad angle on face
- Miss J: She looked mad
- Tyra: Not fabulous, but not boring
- Twiggy: She had a special quality, was unusual, she loved her arms
- Nigel: She looked nervous
- Tyra: The photo was just one of a lot of good photos
- Nigel: She made it about her
- Twiggy: Elegant
- Twiggy: Gorgeous
- Nigel: One of the best shots, confidence is key
- Tyra: Her neck was beautiful, elegant
First Called: Jenah
Bottom Two: Bianca & Kimberly
Eliminted: Kimberly
Saturday, January 5, 2008
ANTM Season 9 Episode 2
If you haven't seen this episode yet and don't want to know how it ends, please stop reading and come back after you've watched it. The following is a recap of the Judges opinions and who got eliminated.
Chantal portrayed a tracheotomy
Her Look
- Nigel: there were too many accessories
Her Photo
- Twiggy: she liked Chantal's eyes
- Nigel: Be careful of bedroom eyes
- Tyra: She was blown away be the photos, but Chantal needs to be careful of bedroom eyes
Her Look
- Tyra: Top was too big
- Miss J: Bad pocket placement
Her Photo
- Nigel: Needed to continue the long and tall look through her legs
- Tyra: the photo makes her feel uncomfortable and Jenah's emotion came across
Ambreal portrayed lung cancer
Her Look
- Tyra: The earrings were too much
Her Photo
- Tyra: She looked like a model, she loved the photo
- Miss J: She did a good job looking ill
Victoria portrayed a stillborn child
Her Look
- Twiggy: Simple and clean
Her Photo
- Twiggy: she needs to work on her charm, but it was a very strong photo
Lisa portrayed a face tumor
Her Look
- Tyra: Take off the earrings
Her Photo
- Twiggy: loved her legs and pose
- Tyra: Very high fashion
- Nigel: cheeky and sultry
Mila portrayed losing hair from chemotherapy
Her Look
- Tyra: It was a lovely dress, but not for her body
- Nigel: the dress looked like a sack
Her Photo
- Miss J: Not a flattering pose
- Nigel: her body was awkward and her eyes not focused
- Tyra: She can look damaged and destroyed (the effect photo), but not pretty
Sarah portrayed premature aging
Her Look
- Miss J: Take off the necklace
Her Photo
- Tyra: She could see the inner monologue
Bianca portrayed severe gingivitis
Her Look
- Tyra: Without the purple hair there's a model
Her Photo
- Twiggy: The camera loves her, but she needs more life in her eyes
- Nigel: It was too posed
- Tyra: Held back on beauty part of photo, but not on the effects part
Janet portrayed a burn victim
Her Look
- Tyra: Take the necklace off, it made her neck look short
Her Photo
- Twiggy: great jawbone
- Miss J: She looked like a young Angie Dickinson
- Tyra: good job
Ebony portrayed a collapsed lung
Her Look
- Twiggy: The T-shirt was great
Her Photo
- Miss J: Her legs were in a bad position
- Tyra: She was too stiff
Kimberly portrayed a sunken face
Her Look
- Tyra: Looks great, but her hair needed to be tied back
Her Photo
- Tyra: She needed to watch her hoochiness
- Nigel: great juxtaposition
Saleisha portrayed secondhand smoke with Heather
Her Look
- Twiggy & Miss J: She looked great
Her Photo
- Tyra: She was sassy
- Nigel: She really performed
- Twiggy: She gave both pictures life
Heather portrayed secondhand smoke with Saleisha
Her Look
- Nigel: the layered t-shirt was too much
Her Photo
- Miss J: the loved her face in the beauty side and she looked crazy in the effect side, which was a good thing
- Nigel: She had a quite beauty
- Tyra: Well done
Reward Winner: Saleisha won a $1000 shopping spree at Old Navy and the honor of appearing in an Old Navy Ad
First Called: Heather
Bottom Two: Ebony & Mila
Eliminated: Mila