Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Patrick's Day in Chicago

We were lucky enough to have the once in a lifetime experience of seeing the Chicago River turned green. For an Irish lass like myself, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Ever since I can remember I've wanted to see the Chicago River green. I didn't go to the parade because we're here with a conference of non-Irish people who didn't really care so we were watching a friend's presentation at the time. I was quite disappointed. I'm hoping though that this won't be a once in a lifetime experience because I would love to bring my dad here to see the river maybe for his 60th birthday. Anyway, here's a picture I took of the river. One other thing, being an Irish Protestant I was quite disappointed in the Catholic church for moving St. Patrick's Day to March 15th this year so it wasn't in Holy Week. Though, it is giving me an excuse to celebrate St. Patrick's Day twice this year. I'm also hoping to find some green beer and some Guinness while I'm here.

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