Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Learning Python

So recently my husband suggested I learn Python for something to do because being a housewife is much more boring than I ever thought it would be. I haven't programmed in 15 years and then I was programming on an Apple IIe in Basic with a teacher who didn't know anything about programming. I have been looking for something to help teach me Python because my husband is quite busy with his work, so I looked at the Python Tutorial by Guido van Rossum and I guess that my brunette hair is covering blond roots because it took me an hour to get through Whetting Your Appetite. Then I had another half hour where I had to ask my husband what the different things meant. Needless to say, probably not the best place to start. I mean I asked my husband about stupid things like what is GUI and Batch Files. I'm not the person who comes to mind when thinking of the person who wants to learn Python, but I do. So here's my plea, I need help. I've been looking for Python for the Non-Programmer, but not finding much. If you know of any books or websites that might help me in my quest to learn Python, please let me know.

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