Tuesday, January 29, 2008

America's Best Dance Crew

Well, I just watched America's Best Dance Crew. What an amazing show. I do love watching the dance competitions like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars so I knew I'd like this one, but I like it so much more. I like Status Quo from the East, Enigma from the South, Kaba Modern from the West and Breaksk8 from the Midwest. I was so bummed when Breaksk8 didn't make the top 8, but very happy when the decision was made to make it a top 9 instead. With the audience response to them not making it though, I knew something was going to be done about it. Randy Jackson is smart and his decision to add the 9th crew was a great one. I'm looking forward to February 7th and hope that MTV will pick it up for another season. Though, maybe next season they could replace Mario, he's not that great a host.

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