Saturday, April 12, 2008

Big Brother 9 Again

I've officially given up on Big Brother for this season. No one is left who actually deserves to win, and I'm so sick of the crap going on in the house. They aren't real because they know the cameras are on them all the time. It's just so sickening what Big Brother has become. I loved Big Brother in the first few seasons, but now, it's old and with them trying to make sure that the contestants "expect the unexpected", it's actually gotten boring. They need to do like survivor did and go back to the old ways from the first few seasons. The other thing that has been bothering me is that they are using Big Brother to promote other shows like Jericho that they were going to cancel anyway. Julie is predictable these days and though I love her, she needs lessons from Jeff Probst on how to provoke the answers she wants out of people. I'm done with this season, but will probably watch next.

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